Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What goes around... Justin Timberlake had it right

You know… life is a funny thing!

So Asshole McGee just finish telling me how I ain’t shit, and my man ain’t never finna marry me, and my son ain’t finna be no man unless he break him and all that other bullshit he run on with the other night, right?

So why is it yesterday, soon as I walk in the door it’s all “hey sis, how was your day? I need a favour… can you take me round the corner to get my jeep please?” then he says to my baby boy (whose b-day is tomorrow – the big 15!) and asks to borrow $5 til tomorrow.

My son, who ain’t never short on money cuz he spends mine says “sorry, I own have it”

This fuck-tard aka My older brother then asks me for it… sorry nigga… “I had to by beer and mustard to cook dinner tonight, you outta luck.” Mind you I have it but as I look at it, I bought the food in the house your needs are covered… cigarettes/smokes (cuz I know that’s what he want it for) is a want… supply your own fucking nasty habit.

So I take him to his friend who had his jeep and after ten minutes of him using his jumper cables that look like four different cables held together with electrical tape. I gave him my new and well maintained cables and jump his jeep.

I take his friend home (he like a neighbourhood brother too) and he was all up in my face bout how I could talk to Assy McGee like that, and I should respect him and not cuss him out the way I did. I shouldn’ta told my brudder to kill heself!


“Fuck you say again?”

Yeah, he tell me how you cuss him out for coming home drunk and talk bad to him.


So I school our flat faced friend bout the other night. Tole him “time longer than rope… you should be careful how you treat folk cuz you never know when you will be in need”

He is my brother and he at a low point in his life right now… but he just like the 40 yr old brother that lives in FTL to me… Fucking Write-offs!

They believe the lies they tell until they don’t know reality. And the few people in their sorry-assed lives that are really always there for them is the first ones they kick (that’s me and my sister, twin to the fucktard) and they usually try and hurt us the worst!

I took great delight in that yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. That was a great piece. I go through this same crap with a friend of mines who calls me, drains me, then when she doing good I don't hear from her. I have long separated myself from being her crutch... but people like this don't realize the good that they have in the people that are there for them...
