Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday is from HELL!

Ok so I start off my day trying to be a good daughter and do some nice things for my mother by going to the bank with her and signing on some shit. the fucking bank takes 3 hours ---to signing some forms basically.

I missed breakfast so by the time i get outta there i'm starved and pissed cuz mom done cut the fuck up in the banker's office making me seem more evil than i really am. I know i evil as fuck. i accept and embrace this shit. but what the hot blue fuzzy fuck she doing in this woman office? good thing my banker has known me from primary school. whooooooo

so i get called by the office to pick something up from the companies department on my way in to work...... Registrar General ain't worth a blue fuck. a request for a certificate put in over a week ago ain' even begun processing and they can't find the necessary forms that were filed the same fucking' time as the request was paid for... oh but they found the receipt for the shit. but want me to go to the office and fax my proof of them receiving the forms. "bitch... you have the payment so you should have the forms" and she gives me a bogus fax number she know ain working. when i call two hours later to say it won't go thru all she says is yeah i didn't think it would.. WHA FUCK AGAIN NOW!!!!

now chap-chap in here telling me, why are you getting so technical over my dictation..... uhmmm... bitch i read it back just as you say it but i getting technical and having attitude.... whooooo JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL cuz i'ma give this heifa another chap in her forehead i swear fo GOD!

then it sinks in that it is only hump day. fuck me i have two more days to go....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fucking Stupid People

Someone Anyone Please tell me.....

Why if I confide something in you, your 65 year old, blabber mouthed rusty ass got to go run to your bitch ass son and tell him?

Any why does his punk ass turn around and talk my fucking business to other folks? and when shit gets back to me you holler bout "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to talk?"

Are you not a grown ass woman? how the fuck do you misconstrue "this is in the strictest confidence! tell NO ONE!!!"

Fucked up this is..... wow! you are my boss! I can't tell you off! urgh!